Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The West: Our Own Worst enemy

Only foolish westerners work against their own self interests to empower their own enemies. Even Israels "friends" such as the US, France, Britain, etc. work against the MidEasts Only Democracy to weaken it through pieces of paper in exchange for a militarily undefendable Israel. Have we seen the Arab League take similar steps, even token steps, to work against the endemic corruption and brutality of their own regimes? No. If this were the case, every country would be at least or around Moroccos level of progress and there would be no "Arab Spring," Just a relatively stable MidEast working toward a better tommorow. No My friends, alas, the Arabs laugh at us. "Let the US and Britain handle Israel, it will free us up more time to count our oil money and crush any token opposition to our brutal, misogynist, sexist, murderous policies. Life is Good. If Alcohol was permitted, it would be Miller Time"

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