Thursday, May 19, 2011

Suicide Watch

What do we do when someone threatens to commit suicide? Well, here in the US, the police will typically put the person on some kind of Suicide Watch, and as i imagine, must be careful not to lock anyone suicidal in a room with any kind of sharp objects/instruments, pills, etc. to be sure that there are no tools handy to harm themselves with.

What would we think of a world where a man threatened to commit suicide, and the local authorities locked the person in a room with a loaded revolver? Or even more unthinkable, that local authorities would lock a sane man in a room with those weapons and demanded he committed suicide? We would think the world has turned upside down!!

Well I'm sorry my friends, this is what it looks like is happening in the Middle East. Israel is not suicidal, but the international community, joined by the US, wants Israel to engage in suicidal actions, however well misplaced their sentiments may be.

Israel unilaterally (without any help or peace deal from the Palestinians) withdrew from Gaza. Immediately following this undeserved gesture of Israel, the rocket attacks began to increase in frequency and intensity, culminating in 750,000 of Israeli citizens being forced to live in bomb shelters.

You can count the number of successful Palestinian rocket attacks from the West Bank on one hand!! Are we to think that the terrorists in the West Bank are just nicer than the ones in Gaza? Lets not be absurd. Because of the Israeli military/police presence in the area, it is much more difficult for terrorists to get off a rocket from the West Bank.

This is the same West Bank that now Barack Obama and the international community (lets face it though, not all of them) wants Israel to surrender to the Palestinians. And what happens when the rockets begin to fall? Throw up our hands? Sorry Israel, our bad? no biggie, us Americans and Europeans can go back to our cozy continents conquered from their original inhabitants while Israelis live in bomb shelters.

Israel has shown time and time again it is willing to make painful sacrifices for peace. All of the Sinai returned for a piece of paper that may not even be enforced in the near future. Gaza returned for rockets. Peace offers rejected from Olmert, Rabin, Barak, even Netanyahu is willing to talk with no prohibitions. And now we force a deal down their throat. Is this the model for how we treat democracies? Sell them down the river?This is shameful and unacceptable. Write your congressman. Write Barack Obama. This isnt a Jewish vs. Non Jewish thing. This is for anyone who values the main principles of a liberal democracy; the right to vote, free speech, free assembly, womens rights, minority rights, gay rights, human rights on a continent that is devoid of any of these things.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The West: Our Own Worst enemy

Only foolish westerners work against their own self interests to empower their own enemies. Even Israels "friends" such as the US, France, Britain, etc. work against the MidEasts Only Democracy to weaken it through pieces of paper in exchange for a militarily undefendable Israel. Have we seen the Arab League take similar steps, even token steps, to work against the endemic corruption and brutality of their own regimes? No. If this were the case, every country would be at least or around Moroccos level of progress and there would be no "Arab Spring," Just a relatively stable MidEast working toward a better tommorow. No My friends, alas, the Arabs laugh at us. "Let the US and Britain handle Israel, it will free us up more time to count our oil money and crush any token opposition to our brutal, misogynist, sexist, murderous policies. Life is Good. If Alcohol was permitted, it would be Miller Time"