Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Middle Ages Jew

The press in Israel has been repeating a certain motif I found scarily interesting. Israel has now become the Middle-Ages Jew, where all the troubles in the world (Islamic Terrorism and Middle East woes) are blamed on him. Even the President of the United States, in one form or another, believes in the lie.
Nearly all of his Middle East Policy focuses on one thing: the removal of West Bank settlements. By shoving a peace deal down Israels throats that is full of security gaps, the lie says, peace will magically brought not only to Israel but to the entire region. Leaving out the obvious holes in this idea that Hezbollah and Hamas will continue to operate with impunity against Israel, leaving Israel without land and still without peace, many of the hugest problems of this troubled region HAVE OR HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ISRAEL. Examples:

-The bloody 8 year war between Iran and Iraq.

-The 1982 Hama massacre perpetrated by the Syrian army, where over 40,000 were killed in a period of a few months. (Fighting, ironically, the Muslim brotherhood)

-Saddam Husseins mustard gassing of Kurds that claimed 188,000 Kurdish lives.

-The occupation of Cypress by Turkey.

-Turkeys 'terror war' against the Kurds which has claimed 37,000 Lives since 1984

-The Arab Muslim Janjaweed massacre of over 300,000 Black Africans and rapes of scores of Black African women.

-Sectarian violence between Sunni & Shia, not only in Iraq.

-The Armenian Genocide perpetrated by Turkey, a so-called democracy, which will not even do the dead the justice of admitting there was a genocide. This genocide claimed the lives of 1 million or more Armenians.

-The US-led Gulf War in 1991 to bail out Kuwaiti oil autocrats, which left Israel at the mercy of Saddams SCUDD missiles which then president George H. W. Bush forbade Israel to respond to. ("Sit tight Israel, while we protect Kuwaiti and Saudi oil interests." ) In this war, Holocaust survivors in Israel were forced by the threats of Saddam to wear gas masks, to once again relive the horror of awaiting a chemical attack against their bretheren.

Would all these transgressions and their root problems magically disappear in the case of a forced peace which allows YET ANOTHER Iranian proxy on the border of Israel?

You be the Judge




(To compare: all of Israels wars have been swift and have been a response to direct Arab violence/aggression.)

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