Friday, March 12, 2010

Frightening Distinctions of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Frightening Distinctions of the Islamic Republic of Iran

by Josh White

March 12, 2010

Ancient Persia (Iran) was home to the first human rights charter penned by Cyrus the Great. The current ruling mullahs (clerics) of Iran could not have fallen farther from the tree. Modern day Iran is a place where women can be raped, and if reported to authorities, in all likelihood will end up as a ruling of “fornication” against the rape VICTIM, a crime usually punishable by death.

Besides this, Iran has earned many frightening distinctions as a country where human rights are routinely suppressed and people are routinely beaten, raped, murdered, and controlled, simply for practicing things like freedom of speech, freedoms that Westerners generally take for granted.

The illegal government of Iran also uses rape as a weapon against its own people in a very horrifyingly unique way. When virgin girls, often political protesters, are given death sentences, they cannot technically be carried out because a virgin will go straight to heaven according to Islam. Accordingly, the soon-to-be executioner is required to rape this virgin on death row to prevent her passage to heaven. The families of fallen Iranian girls have to face the two-fold misery of losing their daughter and knowing her last moments involved being subjected to a frightening rape. 


Israel, in stark contrast, has no death penalty, and certainly never sanctions rape against suspected terrorist women it imprisons for security purposes. Some of the worst female allegations against the Israeli justice system I’ve read include Arab women being forced to be strip searched by female officers. Many of these strip searches have uncovered suicide bombs that have saved not only Israeli lives, but even the suicide bomber's life as well at times. Being strip searched is not a fun experience for an innocent person, but in Israel it is necessary, but nothing even close to judicially sanctioned rape and execution.

Iran has earned the distinction of leading the world in executing children according to Human Rights Watch. Even the notorious capital punishment practices of China forbids against the death penalty being used on convicts under 18 ( Even with China's well known frequent use of the death penalty, Iran still executes more prisoners than China on a per-capita level.

Another disgusting practice of Iran brings to mind the controversial comparison between modern day Iran and Nazi Germany, besides the dehumanization of Israel/Jews. The illegal government of the Islamic Republic has practiced mass murder against homosexuals practically since its inception in 1979. 

Many will argue that many Arab/Muslim nations in the Middle East have the death penalty as a punishment for homosexuals. However, the BBC (“Iran ‘must stop youth executions’") clearly states “Homosexuality is illegal in almost all Muslim countries, and punishable by death in many of them. But gay and human rights groups say Iran's record is particularly shocking, having executed possibly thousands of gay men since the Islamic revolution.”

Israel, in stark contrast to Iran, has the most developed Lesbian. Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender rights in the Middle East. Even controversial Gay Pride marches are not uncommon occurrences in the holy land. Rule of law rules Israel, not religion.

Furthermore, religious Jews in Israel (and abroad) do not execute homosexuals. Once again, the death penalty is strictly forbidden in Israel (except in the Palestinian territories where Palestinian ‘collaborators’ with Israel are executed routinely on little to no evidence, many times to settle personal scores.)

On January 6, 2010, the Media Line announced that Iran currently earned the distinction of being the worlds biggest journalist prison. Until now, Iran was ‘merely’ the biggest prison for the press in the Middle East (not known for being a beacon of journalism rights already), as reported by Reporters Without Borders in 2007.

In 2007, Eritrea and North Korea still held more journalists in prison than Iran, leaving Iran ranked as number 166 out of 169 countries for Reporters Without Borders in 2007. No longer. As said, Iran has passed the former threshold, now with a total of 42 journalists imprisoned, a higher number than anywhere else in the entire world.

Over 60 years since Israel's inception, and not only does the country still fight for legitimacy, it finds itself thrown against the Islamic Republic of Iran; a repressive, hate-filled enemy that denies the Holocaust while energetically in a race to make nuclear weapons to create another Holocaust. The people of Iran aren't bad, many are friendly to Jews and Israel. However, they are held hostage by leaders who hate Israel for no tangible reasoning. Israel has never attacked the Islamic Republic, and has only acted to defend itself in wars provoked by Arab aggression, be it 8,000 rockets or the closing of the Suez, or whatever else the terrorists/tyrants are up to again.

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of violent, despotic regimes in the world today. However, there are a certain few that stand out because of the extreme brutality, repression, and inhumane methods used by the government to suppress their people. Outside of regions currently engaged in Genocide, like Darfur, it could be safely said the Islamic Republic of Iran is the biggest threat to world peace. Allowing a belligerent, dangerous country like the Islamic Republic, the perfecter of the suicide belt, to acquire nuclear weapons will go down as one of the biggest catastrophes in human history. 


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