Friday, March 18, 2011

G-d bless the Fogel family

Media outlets around the world were abuzz about this gruesome murder, a whole family was murdered with knives in their sleep, a wife, a husband, an 11 year old, a 4 year old, and a 3 month old. The murder was committed by Palestinian terrorists. Over 20 Palestinians have been arrested in connection with this monstrous, unspeakable crime, including an intelligence officer of the Palestinian Authority.

However, the victims of this heinous crimes were only occasionally referred to as "victims", they were for the most part referred to as "settlers," seemingly attempting to somehow whitewash the crimes, even though the butchering of an innocent family and three small children can never explained through a political lense, which goes along with much of the violence against civillians the Palestinians perpetrate.

But lets think about this term 'settlers' for a moment. What about all the Muslim Settlers of Pakistan? in 1947 Muslims carved out a nice piece of India and sent millions of Hindus on their way and killed another 500,000 of them. They named it "pakistan." No reparations for them? No Land for peace deal? Why? because Hindus are peaceful. Peaceful enough to get on with their lives and rebuild and not hold onto violence and victimhood like a warm blanket. Lets reward people for hideous inhuman behavior, Land for peace horray!

What about the entire population of California and Texas? This land was taken from the Mexicans by war. the USA was hardly under any existential threats, but we took the territory through corrupt politics and careful control of the media by William Randolph Hearst through "yellow journalism". Im not even getting started about the USAs systematic brutality, land annexation, and the de-facto genocide of the American Indian. Yet the government of the US, Israels closest friend, even before Barack Obama, refused to recognize Judea and Samaria and Gaza as part of the Jews ancestral homeland. The US wouldnt/will not even recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel!!

Australia, and New Zealand, and Canada, and most of south America, and most countries on this earth have been outrightly stolen from its indigenous inhabitants. The modern Egyptian day stole the land of Egypt from the Black African Copts, and the modern day Syrian stole that piece of land from the Native Assyrians. However Israel was not stolen from anybody. The Land of Israel is and has always been the land of the Jews. It was thousands of years ago, and within the last 130 years (yes long before the holocaust) it was rebuilt by Jews who wanted nothing more than to live in their own land and live in peace and harmony with their Arab neighbours.

Israel was declared a legal state by one of the first UN Resolutions in 1948, and by the Balfour declaration some 20+ years before. This was denied by a war of extermination of 5 Arab armies, a war that perpetually continues, just not with bullets on the battlefield. It is continued by butchering families and small children while they sleep. It is continued by opening fire on a car with innocent pregnant women inside. It is continued by firing over 10,000 rockets into civillian territory. It is continued by denying Israels very legitimacy,

Even the Obama administration declared the settlements illegitimate, just not illegal. This idea has become a cancer that has even infected very pro-Israel public figures like Charles Krauthammer and Alan Dershowitz. The time to stop this charade is now. Annex the West Bank, take back Gaza, and declare these as lands of Israel proper, enough is enough. Deport any Palestinians with any problems with this. The world and our president is still skeptical of Israel, and asks Jewish leaders to search their hearts if Netanyahu is sincere about peace, even after an unprecedent 10+ month freeze in building settlements, even after returning Gaza only to be thanked with 10,000 rockets and mortars, even after supporting a two-state solution and Palestinian aspirations for their own state. Even after the Palestinians in response to these concessions will not even stop their incitement and glorification of terrorists, which in all likelihood set up a breeding ground for these unspeakable attacks.

The world will be perpetually angry with Israel if the West Bank is annexed (they already are) but at least they will respect Israel. Strength, not just on the battlefield, is something the world and President Obama respect. President Karzai of Afghanistan said he was willing to join forces with the Taliban soon before a beautiful dinner with President Obama. Strength. Indifference to criticism. Do it. The American people are behind you.