Even though all the events in the Mid East in recent weeks completely disprove the notion of the Middle Ages Jew to Israel, i.e. that all the woes of the Mid East can be eased by signing a meaningless peace agreement with the Palestinians, The Obama administration still felt it neccesary to say that America finds Israels settlements illegitimate. We should all look to Israel with great awe and respect; here is a country, that has had to fight for its very survival since its inception, the fact there is even a notion that Israel would give back land won in defensive wars speaks volumes about the kind nature of Israel (and i live in california and my cousins in texas, stolen from Mexico, not for defense but expansion) . And this is no notion, Israel has returned Gaza and has been thanked by thousands upon thousands of rockets and mortars on the Israeli civillian population. And the US response? Settlements are illegitimate. Give the Arabs more land to launch rockets from.
At this point, when autocratic dictators friendly to the US are being ousted with quickness, leaving such uncertainties to the future of said countries, this is the time when the US should realize that Israel is truly our only real friend in the region, all the rest of the friends of the US are not the Arabs, but a single cruel dictator who can be ousted at anytime.
I think the citizens of the USA, and even most politicians, liberal and conservative, do realize this. However, Obamas hard-headed approach toward Israel does not allow reality to see the light of day.
I think we can honestly say that Obama will never learn when it comes to the Middle East.
If after all these events, the Obama Administration still cant stop its antagonistic approach toward Israel, their truly is no hope. Israel must do what it needs to do. Obama will be in office for 5 more years at most, but the American people and its leaders will always be eternal supporters of Israel.
Side NOTE:
I hate Arab autocrats as much as the next guy, but when the Iranian people protested in June of 2009, Obama looked the other way for the sake of 'engagement.' When Egypt started to protest, Obama threw Mubarak under the bus faster than you can say 'Tahrir Square.'
What message is this sending to the world?
Ill tell you: Be an enemy of the US. It pays.