A dime should not be spent to free these morons. Sarah Shourd wrote an article sympathizing with Syrian attacks on Jews (http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=e276b8706a88aca9e3a98dbbd5526d1d)
All these far left loony terror lovers got a taste of their own medicine when they crossed into Iran.
I'll bet the first thing they asked after their arrest was; can I have my right to a phone call? Habeus Corpus? The authorities in Iran probably let them in on the fun after they had a few laughs.
Israel and the US may be far from perfect, but even at our worst, we have freedoms that are pretty enviable, ESPECIALLY to those who live in the mideast. Two of the hikers chose to live in Syria over the US.
We should let them fulfill their dream of co-existing in the Muslim Middle East. Too bad theyll be in prison doing it