Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Hypocrisy

How is it that the Islamic world can continue having zero tolerance for all other ideas and religions, reject freedom of speech when it comes to a cartoon of mohammed, but invoke "freedom of religion" when trying to build an Islamic Center near Ground Zero (site of the 9/11 attacks.) I find this tasteless at best and pretty offensive at worst. Shall we build a German restaurant right outside of The Museum of Tolerance? Technically its legal, but it would probably be in poor taste. 

Muslims want freedoms when it suits them. Muslims want freedom of religion to build minarets in Switzerland and Islamic centers near ground Zero. But go to A Muslim country. Their tolerance for all other customs and religions stops right when you get to the airport. Whether you're Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi, you need to wear one of their rags over your head.  A woman who was a  british national was raped in Abu Dhabi and SHE was held in prison for unlawful fornication [according to the laws and customs of Islam]. Nope, no tolerance there. Yet these same Muslims cry "religious intolerance" when Americans have a problem with building a shrine to Islam right near a place where a mass murder of 3,000 took place in the name of Islam. Bill Maher points out this Muslim hypocrisy out very hilariously in his movie "Religilous"

The religous Imam who is behind this Islamic Center, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, was asked on live radio if he considered Hamas a terrorist organizaiton, a question which the Imam refused to answer.

Apparently suicide bombings on buses, cafes, and discotecs is not so cut and dry with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.

As for the issue itself, let the New yorkers decide.

But muslims need to understand freedom of religion and freedom of speech is a TWO WAY STREET.

Muslims MAY NOT ask for freedom of speech when no one can make a cartoon about Mohammed for fear for their lives.

Muslims MAY NOT ask for freedom of religion while all other religions are routinely persecuted, killed, or ethnically cleansed from virtually EVERY muslim country

They may be lucky in the US, where we allow this walking contradiction to continue. But the rest of the world wont be so tolerant. And after enough attacks by Islamic fanatics, I believe the USA will also end this pointless charade of appeasing the misogynistic, hateful culture of a religion which finds honor killings and public stonings of women to be 'holy.'