Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lightning out of Lebanon

When I took my 2nd College Poli Sci class, in summer school, we were told to read this book called "
Lightning out of Lebanon" (by Barbara Newman and Tom Diaz) in addition to our textbook.This book really opened my eyes to the threat we face from Hezbollah. 
Some people think Hezbollah is an Israel problem,not our fight. To them I would say, Hezbollah killed more Americans than any other terror organization up until 9/11.
Besides that though, Hezbollah is a much more organized and intelligent terrorist organization than Al Queda. This is directly due to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard sending 2000 of its own members to start Hezbollah and continuing to support them
with finance and manpower to this day. This book tells the story of Hezbollahs sleeper
agents in the USA who are just waiting for the order to kill and maim Americans, Hezbollah's bases in South America from which they launched attacks at Jewish
targets,their fundraising efforts in the US, and about a Hezbollah affiliated shopkeeper in Baja California who crossed the border into the USA and checked 
himself into a Chula Vista hospital for RADIATION POISONING. Chula Vista is right around the corner from where I live. Evidence suggests he may have been poisoned by a dirty bomb, perhaps of his own creation.

Israel deals with an unusually potent threat from Hezbollah, and now, 10 years later, Israeli newspapers are abuzz of whether or not then Prime Minister Barak pulling out 
of South Lebanon in 2000 made sense,
considering now Hezbollah's arsenal of rockets is more deadly than ever, and the fact that after the pullout Hezbollah kidnapped and killed Israeli soldiers twice, once in 
2000, which Israel did not respond to, and in 2006, which was the impetus to the well known Second Lebanon War of 2006. Conventional (and maybe seemingly logical)
wisdom in 2000 was that Hezbollah was created because Israeli occupied some land in Lebanon, i.e. No Occupation= No more Resistance= No more Hezbollah. 
How wrong this turned out to be. When we have terrorists like Hamas and 
Hezbollah organized and funded by outside states like Iran, occupation is no more than a pathetic excuse. They exist not because of an occupation, but because their
Iranian masters oblige them too.
There really is only one way out:Unfortunately, Israel will be pushed and will finish the job (alone as usual), while the rest of the civilized world comes along kicking and 
screaming. Hamas and Hezbollah must go the way of the Tamils in Sri Lanka and Blue Star in India. Every freedom & peace loving Westerner should thank Israel for always being on the front lines of most anti-democratic, anti-liberal values such as gender equality and human rights, evil, murderous
people on earth today. Thank You Israel!

Also, Over that summer Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the Iranian Presidential "election", back when Ahmadinejad was still fairly unknown, and our teacher warned us that this 
guy could be trouble.
However, Ahmadinejad is only a symptom of the disease. All the Iranian clerics, even ones such as the more "moderate" Hashemi Rafsanjani, have made inflammatory
threats about using nuclear weapons against Israel. When this is the "moderate" viewpoint, regime change is in order. Everybody thanked Israel years after they
bombed Saddams nukes, but right after it happened, Israel was condemned, even by her allies. Maybe the world wont get so lucky this time. Israel may deem a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities too costly. And then what will we do? Iran is a threat
to Israel, yes, but nuclear proliferation in the Middle East will be EVERYONES problem. Just wait. 20 or 30 years down the road, US scholars and pundits will be lamenting 
that we should have done more to halt Irans nuclear program. I pray that I am wrong.